King Rabbit features!
One universe. Two games. Create an account to sync your progress across both games.

Includes a player-driven economy where you can buy and sell items from other players on the in-game market. Gold and gems are the currencies in King Rabbit and are earned in-game.

Rare Eggs
Rare eggs are hidden randomly throughout both games. Eggs are also given out as rewards. Eggs can contain gold, gems, and a rare chance of a ring or rabbit!
Rabbit Skins
Regular rabbit skins are rare, only 100 of each rabbit will be born. NFT rabbit skins are exceptionally rare, only 1 of each will be born.
Magic Rings
Attach rings to a rabbit and your rabbit will emit magical particle effects and sounds! Especially interesting when racing against other rabbits.

Royal Subscriber Perks
Subscribe in-game, cancel anytime.
- Egg Doubler
- 200 gems monthly
- 3 hints monthly (puzzle)
- 6 slow time monthly (puzzle)
- Gold name and crown badge
- Royal role in Discord